Monday, November 12, 2007

A thing called Homecoming!

Saturday, November 10th was the annual Homecoming Game between the two high schools in the city where I live. The Fort Hill Sentinals hosted the Allegany Campers. I'm not a alumni of either school but two of our children have graduated from there - John in 2000 and Sara in 2004. Lori is a senior this year! Graduation is May 27, 2008 Wooh! So of course we want the Big Blue to win. Homecoming is a big thing to our town. The fans talk about it all year long and can't wait until fall and football season. Those of us who graduated from the smaller schools in the county we just don't quite understand all the hoopla over homecoming! Until you go to the game! We don't usually attend but since this is our youngest child's last year in high school, we felt we should make an appearance. Here is what we found:

School spirit is everything to those who attend the game! Over 10,000 people in a town of around 21,000 show up in their BLUE & White or

RED & White!

This game is the biggest game of the year and whether the teams go on to win the State Championship doesn't really matter. It matters who wins homecoming.

To the delight of our daughter, Allegany WON this year 33 to 14! Go BIG Blue!

This year there was an added treat for our area! NFL Films came to town for a week to film our homecoming game. It is scheduled to be broadcast on national television over the Thanksgiving holiday! They will showcase several high schools across the nation and will talk about the rivalries between neighboring schools. Our schools are across town from each other and have been playing a Homecoming Game for 78 years! I guess I can understand a little why the fans get so excited!

Coverage of the game in our local newspaper can be found at The Cumberland Times News website.

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