Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Things I'm thinking about????

Did you watch Newhart back in the 80's? Season 1 is on DVD.

Why do I have to pay more for a box of decaffinated tea bags and not get as many in the box as a regular box of tea bags? And they are the market brand as well.

Will the Steelers repeat next year????

Did you see the parade?

We watched some of it at lunch time today on the NFL network! exciting stuff!

I still haven't finished this book! Why? I have no idea.

Probably because of football!

I have been watching Coach on DVD.

I love watching these TV shows for years past!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

They did it!!!!

I'm exhausted! It was exciting and crazy and I was worried for a bit they weren't going to do it! But they came through in the end and that is all that matters!

Go over to the Camera Totin Idiot for more!

Videos for the middle of the night

Do you know there isn't anything on to watch in the middle of the night except infomercials? I found that out tonight. I'm not usually up at 3:30 am but here I am! So I watching an infomercial for 70's romantic music with Tony Orlando (from Tony Orlando and Dawn) and they keep showing video clips for songs I like. So I have to look them up on You tube. I wish they would sell a DVD of all the clips they show in these infomericals.

Here's Tony Orlando and Dawn. My Mom liked them.

Here's a favorite from John Denver - Rocky Mountain High

Do you remember this one? Paul Revere and the Raiders

And here is one I liked by Mark Lindsey (He was in Paul Revere and the Raiders)

That's all for tonight. I better get off to bed.