Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Movies, Movies, Movies

Have you ever gone to the movie theater to see a movie more then once?

I have several times! Between 1977 and 1979 I saw Star Wars 12 times. Yes, TWELVE times! Remember these were the days when once you saw a movie at the theater you never knew when you were going to see it again and ticket prices were around $2.00. I also saw Star Wars when they brought out the 20 year release in 1997! So that makes 13 times!

I saw Titanic, Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Rings, and Stars Episode III Revenge of the Sith each twice at the theater. Now a days when I see a movie more then once it's because I go with different people to see the movie at different times. Maybe the hubby or one of the kids or my sister.

This was the case with the new Star Trek. I have seen it 4 times!!!! Once with the hubby and daughter, once with just the daughter, with my sister, and again with the hubby.

But I loved all 4 times!! It was great. If you're a fan of Star Trek, a fan of movies, or science fiction and you haven't seen it yet GO! You will love it! I did!

4 Times and I have the ticket stubs to prove it!

1 comment:

Maggie Ann said...

I don't know if my comment went thru or not...so here's another one Ann. =) Your ticket stubs look like wonderful collage material,don't they! I requested the book at our library you suggested to me....they are trying to get it in for me to read...I forgot the title..the one about the Potato Peel Society. Hope you've had a nice day!