Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bloomin' Tuesday

Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! Just a few things bloomin' around the neighborhood!

Two pretty roses I found on my morning walk to work You never know what you might find on the opposite side of the street!

Saw these pretty flowers or weeds along a dirt road on Antietam battlefield Saturday morning. I thought they were so pretty with the morning sunshine on them.

We live in North end of Cumberland.

More Bloomin' Tuesday post can be found here!


Jean said...

Great Bloomin' Tuesday photos! The 'flowers' onthe road are pretty but I don't know what they are. Jean

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your post, Ann! I especially noticed that birdhouse in the last pic; doesn't it seem like it's just hanging out there in space! LOL! :)

Unknown said...

Like the porch swing, walking to work, how nice.