WOW! 20 comments!
I've never had that many before! Thanks to everyone who stopped by! The tricycles are sitting in our warehouse at my office. They are awaiting shipment to children with Cerebral Palsy. Many will be for Christmas presents. We have been very, very busy this year with orders. The reason there is more blue then red is because RED is our most popular color and those color trikes have mostly been sold and shipped! So these aren't for my kids. I only have three children and all three are a little big for trikes!

Interesting, one red with all those blues.
My Wordless Wednesday is up too! :)
wow, what a beautiful capture!!
Some pending Christmas excitement? Pretty colors!
Santa's workshop? Happy WW!
Oh i love the blue ones. Can i ride?
mine is here
They're just waiting for the green light. :)
Happy WW!
love the colors!!!
Great WW~that's a universal sign that the CHRISTmas season is here (bikes/tricycles!)! I'm up because I couldn't sleep & thought I'd check the WW's so far & just happened to click on yours & was admiring your blog. It's so beautiful & festive :) And then I happened to see your bloglist & noticed that you had me listed! What an honor~thank you SO much :) That just made my day :) Is it ok for me to add you to my blogroll as well? Hope you have a terrific day :) Thanks again :)
Reminds me of Christmas when I was a kid.
Happy WW!
I now have a 3 year old poking the computer screen and leaving fingerprints all over while yelling "My biiiike, my biiiiike.." Maybe Santa will help him out.
I can't help but notice the red among all the blues... nice!
Great shot! Happy WW!
I liked the red one ;) Mine is up at
How many kids do you have?!
Why only one red one?
How cute! I wonder what Diana wrote-how many children do you have?
This pic. makes e want more! :)
Thanks for sharing. You should do a follow-up of their excited expressions when they get these!
Vroom vrrooooommmm!! Happy WW :P
Are these from where you work?
They are beautiful. They bring to mind the first Mr. Rogers episode I watched with my daughter. He visited a tricycle factory. I recall the workers dipping the wheels in white enamel and the respect with which Mr. Rogers treated these wonderful men who labored to create beautiful trikes for kids. Thanks for bringing back the memory.
God bless.
I want one. I want to be small enough to ride one. I think I want to be a kid again! Or something like that.
I'm up at
shiny new bikes - will make some kids very happy
Hi Ann, what a wonderful company you work for! Do they make these for adults too? My husband never learned to ride a bike and jokingly said he could ride one of these. There are some adults with balance problems too. Hope you are having fun getting ready for Christmas! I made about 12 little collages (plus a dozen stained glass hangings) for our Christian school workshop. The school kids come in and buy (for very low prices) gifts for thier families. Its so much fun for all of us, after they shop adults are welcome to shop. That was the first collage I'd taken time to do in a while and loved doing them.
I like the blue ones but t he red are my favorite too..
great photo
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